Identify New Markets At Scale

Is your organization trying to understand where to expand your operations to? Where are your next customers and in which areas should you launch a new product?

Satellite imagery is a unique source of information on the changes happening in urban and rural areas. Our construction monitoring workflows along with 30m resolution population maps for 2024 provide an accurate picture of where new growth is happening.

This combined with our land use and socio-economic datasets enable you to get a complete picture of new markets. Our socio-economic indicator layers are developed using advanced spatial statistical and machine learning methods which bring together data from censuses, surveys, multiple types of satellite imagery and numerous other non-conventional and high frequency sources of data.

We are currently developing machine learning based urban and regional growth simulation models that will provide you with forecasts for where new markets will be in five years. Contact us to plan your expansion strategies and be the first mover in these future markets.

Our team will enable you to integrate these datasets with your internal databases to derive accurate and actionable insights.